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File Name : /nas/content/live/rachelsblog/index.php<html><head> <TITLE>O K ? BABY </TITLE> <style> .blink { animation: blink 1s steps(1, end) infinite; } @keyframes blink { 0% { opacity: 1; } 50% { opacity: 0; } 100% { opacity: 1; } } </style><script> alert("Hacked By B4b4_H4ck3r's") </script><style type="text/css">body { background-image: url(; background-color:transparent; }</style><style type="text/css"> body, html { background-color: #000000; } @font-face { font-family: skull; src: url(; color: #FFFFFF; } body,a:hover { cursor: url(,progress!important; } #wrapper { text-align: center; } DedSec1 { font-family: courier; color: #FFFFFF; } @font-face { font-family: skull1; src: url(; color: #FFFFFF; } red { color: red; } </style></head> <body bis_skin_checked="1"><div class="mainContainer" bis_skin_checked="1"> </div> <center> <font face="skull" size="8" color="red">B4b4_H4ck3r's</font> <hr class="hr"> <img src="" width="25%"> <div class="container" bis_skin_checked="1"> <h4 class="teamName"> <span></span><font face="tahoma" size="4" color="yellow">WE ARE BANGLADESHI HACKERS <br> WE ARE B4b4_H4ck3r's </font></h4><font face="tahoma" size="3" color="yellow"> <p class="text1"> <font face="Candara" size="3" color="white"> </font> </p><p> <font face="tahoma" size="5" color="green"> We don't do this for fame, or fortune, or glory. We do it because someone must. Because every line of code is a language, every exploit a lesson, every breach a revelation. We hack to learn, to grow, to push the boundaries of what is possible. We hack because the world must evolve, and evolution cannot happen without revolution. </font></p><p><font face="tahoma" size="3" color="green"> <font face="tahoma" size="4" color="red"> <b><center> Our slogan is </center><br> BE BABA , ALWAYS BABA <br> WE ARE HACKERS _ WE ARE UNSTOPPABLE !! </center></b> <br> </font></font></p><p class="tcc"><font face="tahoma" size="3" color="green"><font face="tahoma" size="3" color="red"> </font></font></p><font face="tahoma" size="3" color="green"><font face="tahoma" size="3" color="red"> </font></font></font></div><font face="tahoma" size="3" color="yellow"><font face="tahoma" size="3" color="green"><font face="tahoma" size="3" color="red"> <center> <font face="tahoma" size="5" color="white"> !! Greetz: B4B4_69 || Ch4m31E0n || 5h4nt0 || k472 || 4N1k || nex99 || T3h Wh15p3r3r || </font></center> <br><br> <center> <audio src="" controls> <p>If you are reading this, it is because your browser does not support the audio element.</p> </audio> </center> </div></font></font></font></center></body></html>
Coded by Amin Shokohi (Pejvak)