Category: Skin Care
Diet & Skin Care
When your skin is acting naughty, it’s trying to tell you something. It’s trying to say you are putting something into your body that isn’t good for you. I’m sure we have all heard “you are what you eat”, and it’s true. I recently was reading ‘The Body Book’ by Cameron Diaz and she was…
Best Skincare Products on a Budget
We all want to have beautiful skin, but you don’t have to spend a fortune to get it. Today I’m going to tell you the brands and products I like for the lowest price possible. I will not be recommending products from the drugstore, but high quality products for the lowest price. I only recommend…
Tips & Tricks #11
If you get mascara on your face, wait a few minutes and it will pick right off. For extra moisture on the skin, apply your moisturizer first then spray on a moisturizing toner. I like the toner from Lush. If eyelash glue gets stuck in the lash line, remove it using an oil based cleanser…
My Current Skin Care Routine
I get asked all the time what my skin care routine is. My skin type is dry and sensitive. My biggest concerns with my skin is having it look dry, dull, tired, redness, pulled tight (not in a good way), wrinkles and minor texture. I use a lot of different products, and they are all for…
12 Skin Care Mistakes
Wash your face every morning and night. You must wash your face both morning and night! Neglecting your neck. When I say “face” I am referring to the entire face and neck area. Use the same skin care regimen on your neck that you use on your face. Wear sunscreen every day. The sun has damaging…