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Category: Beauty

  • My Current Skin Care Routine

    My Current Skin Care Routine

    I get asked all the time what my skin care routine is.  My skin type is dry and sensitive. My biggest concerns with my skin is having it look dry, dull, tired, redness, pulled tight (not in a good way), wrinkles and minor texture. I use a lot of different products, and they are all for…

  • Tips & Tricks #10

    When applying foundation, use downward motions.  This will make all the little peach fuzz hairs on the face lay down. Never drag or pull anything on your face.  You never want to do anything that will stretch the skin out.   As you age the elastin in the skin will not be as strong and…

  • Urban Decay Naked2 Basics

    Urban Decay Naked2 Basics

    Urban Decay has a brand new palette, the Naked 2 Basics. It has 6 shades, 5 matte and 1 shimmer, all in cool toned neutrals. These colors are great to wear with anything you currently own or create a look using only these colors (like what I did). These are great up to date /…

  • Pink Heels

    Pink Heels

    Shoes: Christian Dior via Nordstrom Rack, similar here, here, here, here (only $53) Top: Anthropologie (old), almost exact same here Jeans: Joe’s Jeans Bag: Marc by Marc Jacobs, also love this by Rebecca Minkoff Sunglasses: Chloe (old) love this and this Bracelet: Old, love this Lips: Whitening Lightning in color ‘Figi’, use code ‘rachel’ for a discount Nordstrom…

  • LA Trip & Instagram Lately…

    LA Trip & Instagram Lately…

    I just got home from an 8 day trip in LA with my mom and sister.  It was so much fun!  Non-stop busy (and exhausting), but TONS of fun!  We started off Sunday morning leaving for the airport at 5:00am EST (after going to bed at 2:00am). We landed at LAX at 9:00am and went…